Traits are used to further define the characters; they can be positive (Talents) or negative (Flaws). Some are chosen by the player, while others must be diced for. The following list in not conclusive, and is still subject to change as things are refined.
Characters start with a base of 3 Talents. To these are added any Talents earned when rolling for the Character stats. To determine a Character’s base Flaws 1D6 is rolled, with a roll of ‘6’ indicating a Flaw. Any Flaws earned while rolling for stats are added to this.
These base Talents and Flaws are selected by the player. Additional Talents may also be taken. For each additional Talent taken, an additional Flaw must be taken as well. These extra Talents and Flaws are determined part by selection and part randomly. The Flaw is selected first: if it is chosen then the Talent must be randomly rolled; if the Flaw is rolled for then the Talent may be chosen.
A Flaw that nullifies a previously determined Talent (or Talent that contradicts a previously determined Flaw) is re-rolled. Sorcerers cannot have the Low Pedhétl or Magic Dampener Flaws. Warrior types cannot have the Untrained Flaw.
To dice for a Trait, first roll a d6 to select the category of Talent or Flaw, then roll a second d6 or 2d6, as necessary to determine the attribute.
(1, 1-6) Ambidextrous – Character can use a weapon equally well with either hand.
(2, 1-4) Battle-Hardened – +1d6 in HTH combat.
(2, 5) Weapons Master – +2d6 in HTH combat with specific weapon type.
(2, 6) Elite Training – The character has received training from one of the elite schools scattered throughout Tsolyánu. As a result he may reroll one failed melee die once per combat turn that he is active, when using the specific weapon he was trained for.
(3, 1-4) Keen Senses – +1d6 in Surprise situations.
(3, 5-6) Streetfighter – Once per combat encounter the character may reroll all dice in a single combat round. The result of the second roll must be taken. Requires either the Black Sheep or Bad Reputation flaw.
(4, 1-6) Accurate – Will roll 2d6 instead of 1d6 when Shooting, counting the best score.
(5, 1-6) Nerves of Steel – The character is not subject to Run For Cover.
(6, 1-6) Fast Reactions – +1 when Activating. +1d6 when testing Awareness.
(1) Large Size – +1d6 in HTH combat.
(2) High Strength – +1d6 in Strength challenges and +1 to Weapon Impact.
(3) Strong Constitution – +1d6 vs poison.
(4) Agile – When the character is Fast Moving he does not suffer any Shooting penalties. +1d6 in Agility challenges. +1d6 in HTH combat unless immobilized.
(5) Fast – The character receives +1d6 when taking the Fast Move test and has a bonus of +1d6 in HTH combat.
(6) Endurance – The character rolls +1d6 to Recover after a fight.
(1) High Pedhétl – Roll 1d6:
1 = +3 Pedhétl;
2-3 = +2 Pedhétl;
4-6 = +1 Pedhétl.
(2) Smart – +1d6 in Intellect challenges.
(3) Good Memory – Increase spells known by 50%, rounding up.
(4) Perceptive – +1d6 when trying to Spot Hidden items or traps.
(5) Intuitive – The character may always activate, including in Surprise situations, even if not normally permitted to do so – i.e. prevented by rolling higher than his Body score. If permitted to activate normally, he may choose to go first, even if the other side won the initiative; if not normally permitted to activate, he may still do so, but does so last. +1d6 in certain Social situations.
(6) Mental Agility – Spells can be maintained for less cost.
(1) Learned – The character has amassed a wealth of knowledge, gaining +1d6 on Knowledge challenges. Knows ½ Intellect (round up) +1 languages in addition to Tsolyáni.
(2) High Rank – The character has achieved high rank, with its attending privileges and obligations.
(3) Scholar of Note – The character is an authority on a particular branch of knowledge. Once per relevant Knowledge challenge the character may reroll all dice in a single challenge round. The result of the second roll must be taken. Limited to a character from the priesthoods.
(4) Gifted – +1 on Advancement rolls.
(5) Strong Willed – +1d6 in any Test of Wills.
(6) Dilettante – Knows a little bit about many subjects. May choose to add up to 2d6 to any Knowledge challenge, counting successes as usual but with each roll of '6' on these two dice cancelling one of the successes rolled on his usual dice.
(1) Born Leader – Adds 1d6 to all personal Reaction Tests. Any friendly character within 6” of him will react as the Born Leader does regardless of what their reaction would have actually been.
(2, 1-3) Astute – +1d6 in Social challenges. Character may reroll all dice in a single challenge round. The result of the second roll must be taken.
(2, 4-6) Canny – +1d6 when Bargaining or Negotiating as part of a challenge.
(3, 1-3) Attractive – Roll 1d6:
1 = +2d6 in Social challenges. May reroll a single failed die once per Social challenge. The result of the second roll must be taken;
2-3 = +2d6 in Social challenges;
4-6 = +1d6 in Social challenges.
(3, 4-6) Skilled in Seduction – The character receives a bonus of +1 to +3 d6 in certain social challenges.
(4) Social Graces – The character is a master of etiquette and so gains +1d6 in all Social and some Heritage challenges.
(5) Friends & Allies – May recruit additional friends and allies.
(6) Devout – The character gains +1d6 in any challenge test when dealing with “allied” temples and priesthoods, and +2d6 when dealing with his own temple.
(1) High Born – The character is from a clan one status higher than usual for the game being played.
(2) Wealthy – The character has amassed a vast personal wealth. He will have a personal residence in the starting locale, outside of his clan’s ownership. In addition, roll 1d6 against Intellect to gain:
(1) a second, smaller residence in another city;
(2) a business concern separate from his clan;
(3) a country villa;
(4) a farming estate or trading vessel;
(5) a villa in another city, plus roll again (once);
(6) no extra properties. Any roll above Intellect counts as a roll of “6”.
(3) Well Placed – The character has contacts in one of the Four Palaces, gaining +2d6 in any Social challenge involving that Palace directly
(4) Successful – The character starts with one or more magical or special items.
(5) Respected – The character gains +1d6 when asking his clan for aid.
(6) Good Reputation – The character has a good reputation (player decides) in some locale; +1d6 in Social challenges where this may be a factor.
(1) Slow Reactions – Minus 1 when Activating.
(2) Faint Hearted – Will roll only 1d6 when taking the Received Fire test.
(3) Untrained – Character has no combat training. In HTH Combat or Shooting count 3 less dice than normal up to a maximum of 3. The minimum value is 2 Combat dice.
(4) Timid – Minus 1 to Body when taking the Threatened Reaction test.
(5) Unlucky – During combat each '6' rolled on his dice cancels a success rolled.
(6) Inaccurate – Counts as minus 1 Body when Shooting.
(1) Small Size – Minus 1d6 when in HTH Combat.
(2) Weak – Minus 1 to Weapon Impact in HTH Combat.
(3) Ill Health – Minus 1d6 vs poison.
(4) Clumsy – When testing to Fast Move and fails with doubles will move 1d6” then fall in place prone. May not regain feet until next active.
(5) Slow – Treats a result of pass 2d6 as pass 1d6 when taking Fast Move test.
(6) Frail – Minus 1 to Recover after a fight.
(1) Low Pedhétl – Roll 1d6:
1-3 = Minus 1 Pedhétl;
4-6 = Minus 2 Pedhétl;
6 = Minus 3 Pedhétl.
(2) Magic Dampener – The character cannot cast magic. Minus 1 to sorcerers casting magic within 3”.
(3) Stupid – The character has a penalty of minus 1d6 during Intellect challenges.
(4) Absent Minded – Each session - or after any significant break has occurred during a session - roll the first time the character attempts to use any small special item that he possesses. A roll of '6' means that the character has forgotten where he put it. A second roll of a d6 indicates how many turns it will take to find, with another roll of '6' meaning it has been left at home or the place the party last rested.
(5) Dull Witted – The character always activates as if he were 1 lower Body stat than actual. Rolling equal to Body does not count as an activation. In addition, the character has a penalty of minus 1d6 in certain Social and Heritage challenges.
(6) Oblivious – The character has a penalty of minus 1d6 when attempting to Locate Traps or hidden items. In addition, the character has a minus 1d6 penalty in Surprise situations and when testing Awareness.
(1) Illiterate – The character cannot read.
(2) Low Rank – The character has only achieved low rank in his occupation.
(3) Weak Willed – Minus 1d6 in any Test of Wills.
(4) Slow Learner – Minus 1d6 on Advancement rolls.
(5) Unlearned – The character has a penalty of minus 1d6 to all Knowledge challenges.
(6) Sheltered – Only knows about immediate locale. +1d6 to Knowledge challenges in locale; minus 1 without. In addition, the character has a penalty of minus 1d6 in some Social challenges.
(1) Enemies – The character has one or more enemies. This flaw has a value from 1 to 3. Roll a D6 whenever an “Enemies” encounter occurs: a roll equal or under this value means that the character’s enemies take a hand in the adventure. This flaw yields talent points equal to its value.
(2) Boorish – The character is lacking in Social Graces. Roll 2d6 before any Social challenge, counting 1-3 as success and 4-6 as failure. Two successes = no effect; one or more failures = a penalty of minus 1d6 in the challenge. If the character failed with a roll of two '6's then the penalty is minus 2d6.
(3, 1-5) Ugly – Roll 1d6:
1-3 = Minus 1d6 in Social challenges;
4-6 = Minus 2d6 in Social challenges.
(3, 6) Cursed – The character has blue eyes; this amounts to a minus 2d6 penalty in all Social challenges.
(4) Greedy – The character is greedy and will always attempt to take treasure when it is found; if directed to leave the treasure alone, he will attempt to take it surreptitiously or return alone later to steal it.
(5) Proud/Haughty – The character is more proud and haughty than the typical Tsolyáni - if that can be imagined! In Social challenges involving equal social status he receives a minus 1d6 penalty; and a minus 2d6 penalty in those involving a social superior.
(6) Hedonistic – The character’s nature lends itself to hedonistic ways; minus 1d6 versus certain Social challenges.
(1) Low Born – The character is from a clan one or more status levels below what is typical for the game being played.
(2) Foreigner – The character is not a Tsolyáni. He may even be one of the intelligent non-human races accepted in Tsolyánu. These are typically: Ahoggya, Pe Choi, Shen and Pachi Lei. More rarely Tinaliya, Swamp Folk, Pygmy Folk, and Hlaka may be encountered. If human, he is probably from one of the other great Empires, but may choose to be from a smaller nation or tribal group. All incur a minus 1-2 d6 penalty in certain Social challenges and may face other restrictions.
(3) In Debt – The character owes a debt of some kind to some party; this may be monetary, a favour or one’s life.
(4) Exiled – The character has been sent to present location by his clan as punishment. As such, he may not ask his clan for aid except under extreme circumstances.
(5) Black Sheep – Minus 1d6 when asking clan for aid.
(6) Bad Reputation – The character has a bad reputation (player decides) in some locale; -1d6 in Social challenges where this may be a factor.