Saturday, May 14, 2011

Vornheim & Lamentations of the Flame Princess

Not Tékumel as such, but I am still looking forward to Vornheim and Lamentations of the Flame Princess which I ordered after seeing mention of them on Grognardia.

What really made me want to buy Vornheim is this MAP. I mean - Wow! All maps should be like this!


  1. According to the clothes of the female hero ('heroines' screams and have to be rescued), the setting of LotFP looks more Baroque / late 17th C. - early 18th C. than (traditionally) semi-medieval?
    Then, cover illustrations can be misleading: that of one of the volumes of R. Jordan's (definitively 'medieval') WoT shows the 'Ogier' in a typical late 17th C. - early 18th C. great coat...

  2. I was thinking Elizabethan, myself. Some of the interior illustrations feature those slit sleeves and pantaloons/leggings worn.
