Sculpted by Stephen Tofano
Old School Miniatures from Perth Pewter. I had been thinking about ordering one or both of these for a long time, only two things held me back: the price and that I thought they were coming from Australia.
But the other day I noticed the company had a US address so I talked my way around the price and ordered one of each style - Demon or Dragon head design on the war machine. At the time the site didn't have a picture of the Demon head machine but after a little research on the Lost minis Wiki I guessed it was the one shown there.
The parcel arrived today, confirming that is the case.
TM-11 Dragon Crossbow w/ Crew $35.00
TM-12 Demon Crossbow w/ Crew $35.00
The sets have Games Workshop prices but they arrived in gift boxes and were pre-assembled so that is a bonus! :-) The crew is common to both war machines.
I think these make great proxies for Tekumel gaming. Not sure which nation I will put them with yet. Probably I will choose a legion that has multiple sizes of war machines - i.e. light and heavy ballista - because the Demon headed war machine is a bit smaller than the other. I think I'm leaning towards Salarvya however, as the Salarvyani are known to have gargoyles on their buildings and these designs invoke that sort of thing.